Megan Chalfant is a Denver-based visual artist specializing in drawing and painting across a variety of media, often combining writing and poetry with her visual works.
Her work, and the themes explored therein, are considered by the artist to be a response, a movement of the heart in reply to all kinds of lived experience. They are a way to lean into the redemptive possibilities of beauty, finding means to navigate the interior difficulties faced and arrive at a place of transformative hope. Her desire as an artist is that, by encountering her work, others might experience a share in the cathartic and restorative capacities of beauty.
Essential components to her work include:
maintaining a vibrant studio practice that promotes a culture of restoration through beauty
walking with individuals to cultivate their unique creative call
exploring the lived experience of her Catholic faith through a contemplative studio practice and artistic expression
ministering to the spiritual and human needs of individuals through beauty and the affirmation of creative voice
Megan Chalfant
Denver, Colorado
B.A. in Drawing, B.A. in French at Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Curatorial Experience:
Curator for the AVODAH Collective fundraiser and art show, a collection of over 35 works that were created to furnish the home of women survivors of sex-trafficking, Denver, CO
Teaching and Professional Experience:
2019 - Present
Fiscal sponsorship as a Denver-based working artist and missionary, Associated Churches, Fort Wayne, IN Facilitated and led a small group of artists collaboratively exploring a “theology of beauty” and the creative vocation of the human person
Presented an artist talk at Brotherhood Mutual on the topic of Beauty as a Language of God, Fort Wayne, IN
Facilitated a time of visio-divina and artmaking at a retreat with Fr. Jacques Philippe, C.B., Denver, CO
Office Manager at the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Juneau, AK
Led the creative portion of the Jesuit Volunteer annual retreat, Juneau, AK
Instructed at The Color Wheel, a local art center: classes included drawing with Sumi ink, multi-media collage, and an introduction to still-life drawing, Juneau, AK
Mission Partner at Dynamic Catholic, Erlanger, KY
Volunteer Editor and contributing writer for The Catholic Woman
French and Writing Tutor at the Learning Center, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Selected Solo and Group Exhibitions:
An Evening of Beauty, a group exhibition at the AVODAH Collective, Denver, CO
Paper Jam, a group exhibition at NYU Catholic Center, New York, NY
The Garden Grand Opening Art Show, a group exhibition at The Garden, Fort Wayne, IN
Theology-on-Tap Pop-Up Art Show, a group exhibition, Indianapolis, IN
Thanks for the Welcome, a solo collage exhibition at Coppa, Juneau, AK
Prints, Paintings, and Drawings: An Erin and Megan Collaborative, University Theater Box Office, Muncie, IN
Commissioned Public Artwork:
The Sacred Heart, a large-scale pastel work donated to St. Joseph’s Church, South Bend, IN
An evolving collage piece featured in Likable Art’s contracted video work: , Fort Wayne, IN
Box! Box!, a beautification project by the Muncie Arts and Culture Council to commission murals for the traffic boxes at city intersections
Cover design of the winter issues of Ever Eden literary magazine
The Aviator, a postcard commissioned by Amalga Distillery as part of a collection of “mailable art” created by local artists, Juneau, AK
A collaborative work…
The studio practice and work of Megan Chalfant is financially supported by a group of patrons from all over the country. If you would like to learn more about how to support Megan, please visit the contact page by clicking HERE.